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Don't let emotions run your life and learn to accept reality the way it is through mindfulness. Learn about it in this curated topic of articles.

When you feel surrounded by dark clouds, ask for help. Simple as that.

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When was the last time you said it’s okay, you gonna get it next time? to yourself?

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I have to admit, there was a time, when I was panically following everything what is happening around me, scared to miss things that might have been interesting, important, critical.

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There’s a concept, that you need to perform some task every day for a month to form a habit.

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Here’s a positive thought for yourself today: you don’t need to push through. You don’t need to burn out. You are worthy of a break, catching a breath.

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How honest are you with yourself today? Are you allowing yourself to be... yourself?

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You decide the perception of situations you are in.

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How infuriating is it, when you have a slight bump on the road, and suddenly somebody else elbows they way in to help you? Completely stomping over your work in the process, taking over.

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Ever wondered why it's so hard to make friends as an adult?

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Make your day a little bit better, by making a new friend. How?

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