A series of articles focusing on the common problems caused by improperly managed teams.
Learn how to detect toxic situations, deal with them, and her your team with this curated topic of articles.
Become the champion of management, learn to solve issues with systemic approach and avoid issues through strategical thinking with this curated topic of articles.
So you're the manager. Boohoo, what a ride! Probably nobody told you managing is easy, yet.
"Flattery gets you nowhere, but certainly opens many doors."
Being a productive and efficient maker has its one, dramatic drawback: attachment. To the project, to the team, to the company. Let's see how it's a slippery slope!
We all love to hold a little bit of authority. The problem starts when we do it for the sake of having it…
While having a clear agenda is essential for productive meetings, you can make them more efficient and enjoyable with a question-oriented agenda. Here's how:
They never know how to do the same thing, over and over. They don't know how to use basic tools, even though they hold the position for years already. They are asked numerous times to follow guidelines, yet they never do it.
Giving constructive feedback is hard. Something didn't work, expectations were not met, there could be many negative emotions at play. There's a way to be constructive, through, when giving feedback!
Checking their phones. Looking out of the window. Scribbling in their notepads. These are the signs that the meeting participants are disengaged and bored. Let's see how it can be prevented and remedied.
Have you ever had a great meeting that just couldn't reach a consensus? No final decision, no compromise? Here's how to get it fixed:
In the previous guide on moderating meeting discussions, one very important topic emerged: during a discussion, conflicts can emerge. It's important to be able to spot them fast and resolve them immediately.