Sharing knowledge and experience.

Better future starts with the work today — we believe that by sharing our knowledge and experience, we can create better leaders and technologist, making the world a better place.

Mentoring blog, free for anyone

"Sharing is caring", and it applies best to the knowledge, experience, and inspiration. That's why our mentoring blog is and will forever stay free — you can learn valuable insight on leadership, management, personal growth, engineering and design in the Cubitoo Blog.

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Newest articles in the blog:

The secret ingredient of amazing apps

Every wondered what is the secret ingredient between a good product and an amazing product? It's the User Experience.

How to become more disciplined

Being productive and staying on top of your business is not easy. You will need a lot of discipline to get through each day, even when the work drags and you are not in the mood. Here are some ideas to make yourself more disciplined to push through the slump:

How leadership is different from management

So you're the manager. Boohoo, what a ride! Probably nobody told you managing is easy, yet.

On flattery

"Flattery gets you nowhere, but certainly opens many doors."

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