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Creating products from scratch is not easy. Apart from the necessity for a clear vision, there are many smaller decisions and possibilities to compare and consider. Having an efficient framework to handle that volume of information is extremely important, and User Stories are one of the best such tools.

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Have you ever had a great meeting that just couldn't reach a consensus? No final decision, no compromise? Here's how to get it fixed:

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No matter if you're a participant or the facilitator, it's almost impossible to remember every crucial detail from a meeting. That's why you need a smart note-taking system. Let's see some possible ways to take useful and readable notes…

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Brainstorming meetings are our favorite tools for creative problem sorting. They are fun and vibrant, but also focused and productive. Let's see how can it be achieved.

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A decision meeting is the most effective way to push any project forward, align a common vision, and decide important aspects of the operations. With great power comes great responsibility though, so let's explore different possibilities.

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The easiest way to convert a mediocre meeting into an awesome one is having a meeting facilitator. Let's see how…

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Have you ever taken part in a brainstorming meeting that grinds to a halt under the weight of participants criticizing each other's ideas? If yes, then it's a clear sign the meeting had an unclear form.

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Do you feel that you're necessary for all of the meetings you're invited (forced?) to join? If you can't give a clear and loud YES!, then you weren't probably needed and could have saved time. In fact, meeting fatigue is a growing epidemic among startups and small companies.

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One thing that makes or breaks the meeting before it starts is a clearly defined agenda, i.e. vision and plan for the meeting.

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We are excited to announce the new chapter for Cubitoo: the 2020 redesign.

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