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Enjoy materials, tools and techniques to make you feel relaxed and calm in this curated topic of articles.

You will have time in your life that will feel like life is throwing lemons at you. It will be your choice how to react to that. You can choose feeling frustrated, hopeless and demotivated. You can instead choose feeling hopeful, happy, and stimulated.

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We are taught that pain is something to avoid, and that it’s generally something bad. I believe this belief is harmful and we need to have a different perspective on pain.

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When working hard, it's important to remember about proper downtime.

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When working hard, it's important to remember about proper downtime.

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Morning routine can set the tone of your day. It can either make your day, or result in stress and feeling hectic.

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In any kind of creative work, it's easy to get sucked into the never-ending loop of improvements, what-ifs and perfectionism.

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I have to admit, there was a time, when I was panically following everything what is happening around me, scared to miss things that might have been interesting, important, critical.

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Here’s a positive thought for yourself today: you don’t need to push through. You don’t need to burn out. You are worthy of a break, catching a breath.

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Stop eating at your desk. It's unhealthy, it's disrespectful to your coworkers, it's distracting to you.

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Put the oxygen mask on yourself first: before you start helping other, make sure you're safe first.

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