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Being productive and staying on top of your business is not easy. You will need a lot of discipline to get through each day, even when the work drags and you are not in the mood. Here are some ideas to make yourself more disciplined to push through the slump:

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They never know how to do the same thing, over and over. They don't know how to use basic tools, even though they hold the position for years already. They are asked numerous times to follow guidelines, yet they never do it.

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What to do when you don't like the task and it feels like you're moving through molasses?

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We all know that kind of person: never happy, always under the weather, everything goes wrong for them… The person with a loser mentality.

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One thing that unites leaders is the ability to inspire.

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You started working on something new. It felt amazing for a while, there was progress. And then it hits: you have made so much, but there's still at least as much to do!

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Checking their phones. Looking out of the window. Scribbling in their notepads. These are the signs that the meeting participants are disengaged and bored. Let's see how it can be prevented and remedied.

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Being creative is hard, the doubt, the criticism. Putting things out there, getting recognition. Or not. Trying not to take it personal. It’s hard work.

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An update meeting is a formal way to keep your team on the same page, share knowledge, or align with the desired vision. There are many nuances to it, so let's explore different possibilities.

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Have you ever taken part in a brainstorming meeting that grinds to a halt under the weight of participants criticizing each other's ideas? If yes, then it's a clear sign the meeting had an unclear form.

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