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Everything about documentation and knowledge sharing in the engineering teams.

Here's a trade secret: Software Engineering is just a fancy term for data processing. Every digital product, like an application or a website, takes some data and transforms it into a different format.

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Is your product universal and can be used by anybody? Is it easy to use by both very advanced and basic users of the computers? You can look at your product from different perspectives with the User Personas.

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Is your product easy to use? Does it require minimal amount of effort to help achieve Users' goals? Grasping each and every interaction in your product can be very hard, unless you consider User Journey!

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Unless you create a very simple product, your User Stories will keep growing and multiplying. It’s a recipe for chaos, or…

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Creating products from scratch is not easy. Apart from the necessity for a clear vision, there are many smaller decisions and possibilities to compare and consider. Having an efficient framework to handle that volume of information is extremely important, and User Stories are one of the best such tools.

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