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Learn to reflect on and improve your mindset to empower yourself to achieve greatness with this curated topic of articles.

I worked once in a company that had a very nice ritual: every week, a list of positive things, a.k.a. awesomenes, was collected and read out for everyone to hear.

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The purpose of a team is to collaborate in order to achieve a mutual goal, like creating, selling, or managing something. The sense of camaraderie and mutual support is very important for any team, as it builds trust, and results in a positive-sum of every teammate talents.

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Ever had your idea shot down, for no apparent reason? Some people are very fast to dismiss ideas of other people, while being convinced their own are the best.

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Each story has always two versions, or more—everybody involved in a situation will have their own perception of it.

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Ever heard these phrases? Read a book in 15 minutes! Gain muscle with this one exercise! Make money with this simple trick.

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It's almost never Us vs Them in life. Unless somebody literally holds a knife to your neck, there's always a field for communication.

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Sometimes work just feels like moving through molasses: everything takes forever, nothing works, the dominant emotion is boredom.

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When dealing with messages with no clear personal context, always assume positive meaning.

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But it's a good kind of scary. The kind of scare, that gives creative boost, motivates.

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Do you ever feel like everything goes smoothly, and you are right place, right time? That's the flow.

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