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Time Management

Manage your time like a champion with this curated topic of articles: simple tips&tricks and inspiration to help you organize your time smarter.

I have to admit, there was a time, when I was panically following everything what is happening around me, scared to miss things that might have been interesting, important, critical.

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Do you really need that phone in front of your face so often?

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There’s a concept, that you need to perform some task every day for a month to form a habit.

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Story time: I was working on an important projects recently, and during the cleanup and maintenance removed some important files.

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Ever heard these phrases? Read a book in 15 minutes! Gain muscle with this one exercise! Make money with this simple trick.

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Start new things is easy. You just... start doing something, right? Wrong!

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Stop eating at your desk. It's unhealthy, it's disrespectful to your coworkers, it's distracting to you.

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Sometimes work just feels like moving through molasses: everything takes forever, nothing works, the dominant emotion is boredom.

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What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? What was the outcome of the meeting Monday two weeks ago? It's okay to not remember.

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You know the drill. Something needs to be done as soon as possible, it's important. Is it, really?

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