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They never know how to do the same thing, over and over. They don't know how to use basic tools, even though they hold the position for years already. They are asked numerous times to follow guidelines, yet they never do it.

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A great journey starts with just a simple step, and we just made the first step into what is our journey to help millions of founders and startups worldwide become happy and productive.

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Here's a trade secret: Software Engineering is just a fancy term for data processing. Every digital product, like an application or a website, takes some data and transforms it into a different format.

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What to do when you don't like the task and it feels like you're moving through molasses?

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Is your product universal and can be used by anybody? Is it easy to use by both very advanced and basic users of the computers? You can look at your product from different perspectives with the User Personas.

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We all know that kind of person: never happy, always under the weather, everything goes wrong for them… The person with a loser mentality.

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Giving constructive feedback is hard. Something didn't work, expectations were not met, there could be many negative emotions at play. There's a way to be constructive, through, when giving feedback!

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Is your product easy to use? Does it require minimal amount of effort to help achieve Users' goals? Grasping each and every interaction in your product can be very hard, unless you consider User Journey!

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Unless you create a very simple product, your User Stories will keep growing and multiplying. It’s a recipe for chaos, or…

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One thing that unites leaders is the ability to inspire.

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