A series of articles focusing on the common problems caused by improperly managed teams.
Learn how to detect toxic situations, deal with them, and her your team with this curated topic of articles.
Ever wondered why it's so hard to make friends as an adult?
Make your day a little bit better, by making a new friend. How?
I remember when I worked once in a team that somehow weaponized democracy, i.e. used the group consensus as the ultimate way to squish different points of view.
I worked once in a company that had a very nice ritual: every week, a list of positive things, a.k.a. awesomenes, was collected and read out for everyone to hear.
There was a time when I was joking that I will never again join a three-founders company. One of the reasons for that was the lack of synergy between founders.
"I'm just passionate!" is a very common excuse of a toxic behavior known as the Brilliant Asshole.
As teams grow, a toxic situation can happen: old, "advanced", members of the team may start treating the new, "newbie", colleagues in a condescending way.
A clique is a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them. Having one in your team is an anti-thesis of collaboration, since not belonging to the clique can invite many toxic behaviors.
Flat hierarchy is a team setup, in which there are no, or very few management levels between entry level employees and the management. It's a beloved organization in small companies and start-ups, making everything run leaner, and more efficient.
Remember that simple discussion that ended up a massive fight? Just because that one person thrown a tantrum, making it clear it will either be their way, or they will make everyone regret? That's the Terminator approach.