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Everything related to what makes a good team "tick", from ideas to concrete solutions. Improve your team with this curated topic of articles.

In any situation you're encountering, you can be either adding or subtracting from the mood and emotions.

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I really enjoy mentoring at work, and in my private projects. This is why I started my non-profit cooking website CookArr, to help busy, and sometimes inexperienced, cooks to gets inspired with simple, tasty cooking recipes.

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Failing is part of the growth process, but there’s a trap many teams fall into: blaming.

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When somebody deals with hardships, are you there? When they come with questions, do you bring answers?

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There’s something I was wrapping my head around lately: an efficient way to communicate in teams, ensuring important information is shared in a way, that’s unobtrusive and efficient.

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Unless you’re a miracle, your success is built in top of many people’s shoulders. There are people who believed in you at some point, who took their chance with you, who elevated you, gave you wings, and acted as your safety net.

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How honest are you with yourself today? Are you allowing yourself to be... yourself?

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There is no worse misfortune, than establishing a bad precedent.

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My dad is a hardened veteran of company environments, and I learned to value his surprising (at times) wisdom.

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How infuriating is it, when you have a slight bump on the road, and suddenly somebody else elbows they way in to help you? Completely stomping over your work in the process, taking over.

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