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When thinking about a bad boss, one can imagine a tyrant, loud, aggressive, abusive executive. A cliché.

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When thinking about a bad boss, one can imagine a tyrant, loud, aggressive, abusive executive. A cliché.

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Let’s be honest for a minute: when was the last time you could say now it’s a great moment to dig out all these little tasks I left for later? I can imagine, at least 90% of Cubitoo Daily Blog readers’ will end up scratching their heads trying to find a believeable timeframe.

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Have you ever wondered what makes a well-knit, efficient team? I was considering different aspects of teams in scope of leadership, efficiency, architecture, and personal relations, and at some point came to a conclusion.

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After years of a single-unit pricing of software, also known as the “box licenses”, the software engineering industry seemed to fully embrace the perpetual subscriptions.

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After years of a single-unit pricing of software, also known as the “box licenses”, the software engineering industry seemed to fully embrace the perpetual subscriptions.

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I have two gripes with my generation. One, work is often seen as a mundane process of obtaining money. Two, rampant acceptance of bad company culture, and mishandling at work, because work feeds one's family.

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In one's line of work, it's important to know which battles are worth drawing blood, and which aren't.

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Story time: I was on a lookout for a new keyboard for my iPad recently, and so it happens, the model I wanted was sold out at Apple.

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Story time: I was on a lookout for a new keyboard for my iPad recently, and so it happens, the model I wanted was sold out at Apple.

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